Visit us

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BASE, 14 Robertson Road, Bristol, BS5 6JY

Opening times

6-8pm every 1st and 3rd ​Thursday of the month

Upcoming dates:

  • Cancelled on the 5th ​September :(
  • 19th September
  • 3rd October
  • 17​t​h October

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Accessibility Info

Dandelion takes place on the ground floor of ​BASE. The ground floor is on a split level ​divided by two steps, with two seperate step-​free entrances.

The accessible toilet is on the ground floor ​with step-free access through the back ​entrance of the building. It has grab bars on ​both sides and plenty of room to manouevre a ​wheelchair, but no alarm cord.

Dandelion can sometimes be noisy and busy. ​Arrive earlier if you would like to avoid this. We ​have fidget toys and we will always offer you a ​private chat in a quieter room upstairs (up one ​flight of steps).

Please contact us if you have any accessibility ​queries.